47158年/ 60314


在很短的时间内,我做了一份全职的cad建模和cnc加工工作。我相信我的技能可以帮助企业的想法变成伟大的东西。非常多才多艺和创造性。愿意尝试具有挑战性的新事物。我的父亲参与了设计功能性快艇的“淘汰船”和Bad Bagger摩托车的“设计速度”。我肯定不想让任何人觉得我用我父亲来证明我的名字。而是我个人对功能和机制的投入程度。我总是质疑一切事物的设计方式,以及为什么事物是这样的。看到一个设计错误的东西,马上想到有人可以做得更好!先提高效率! Understanding the process and handling on how it needs to be built after a simple drawing. Or even taking something previously made and reverse-engineering it to be more efficiently produced. There's a hundred ways to skin a cat when it comes to 3D design. Since its the dimension we live in and being able to convince a crowd of people to believe the possibilities is nearly impossible. So many business' out there that have no idea on the potential of taking advantage of cad modeling and engineering.One bridge I've yet to cross is working and gaining experience with 4-9 axis cnc machines and being able to tinker with them. Now I know that seems treacherous to hire someone with no experience with 5+ axis cnc machines. Nowlike I said until im proposed an idea first, I would definitely be able to give a simple explanation on how it has to be machined or built on my side. Whether someone has the patience to have something awesomedesigned, with the right math it's hard to argue against. Being able to make it happen is what my goal is. Now I wouldn't beat around the bush and have this whole description without mentioning I do not have any college degree and that could be for the better since it is hard to find a good cad designer without some insane amount of pay and some mediocre design. Im ambitious and excited to make it happen. Be the best and make business shine for others. I love my current job and becoming a freelance cad designer while at home could improve my worth outside of my 9-5. Thank you.



  • CAD / CAM设计师器的船只·全职2020年8月至今2年9月尤鲁帕谷,加州,美国





