Hire / Invite to Project


Mechanical Engineering student at portland state university. I've been doing some freelancing work already just by word of mouth between my clients, and am looking to do more! I have 4+ years of CNC machine shop experience and 9+ years of technical 3D Modeling experience. Professionalism, quick turn around times, and quality functional work are what I can deliver.

3D Models


  • SolidWorks CAD Designer/CNC programmerFordyce Design & Manufacturing·Dec 2015 – Present7 yrs 10 mosGaston, OR, USA


  • Portland State UniversityBachelors , Mechanical Eng., B+2019 – 2023I've always wanted to be a mechanical engineer ever since I was a kid. From anything you can make out of Legos to homemade 3 wheeled bicycles, Designing, Engineering, and Building has always been in my blood.

Other experience

  • Freelancer 3d modellerI've been doing some word of mouth freelancing work for the past year.

Age: 26

Joined: September 23, 2019


EnglishNative or bilingual proficiency

SpanishLimited working proficiency


Forest Grove, OR, United States