2002年,高中毕业后,我直接进入职业学校并获得了AutoCAD证书。我一点也不知道我会在AEC领域工作12年。我经常每天花8个多小时在学校和其他类似的建筑上工作,为别人赚了一大笔钱,而我的辛勤工作却几乎无法维持生计。这就是我决定做自由职业者的原因。协调建筑中的电气系统已经成为我的强项。虽然我怀着制作视频游戏和3D模型的梦想进入了CAD课程,但我一直未能找到合适的公司或合适的地点。唉,我一直在为BIM协调构建复杂的3D模型。但是,不再这样了!我希望如果你找到这个网站,你有一个想法,也许是手绘草图或甚至是一些旧的图纸,你想要转换成数字格式。你想换掉你车上坏掉的塑料夹吗? Why not let me design it for you in 3D so you can have another one (or as many as you want) 3D printed. My personal website is far from complete at the moment, but I will be sharing all of my projects there (with my clients permission of course) as they come in and/or are under the development process. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section below or shoot me an email at: (hidden) and I’ll be happy to discuss your project with you.