
My name is Marco Lopes and I am a Mechanical Design Engineer, with 4 years of experience. I am a young and enthusiastic mechanical engineer passionate about problem solving, design engineering and technology, capable of designing mechanical systems from first principles through to working prototypes. My greatest strengths include the ability to apply my engineering knowledge to real world problems, actively within the work space and the ability to take the initiative in a project environment.

with experience in;

• 3D modelling (Autodesk Inventor)
• 2D drafting (AutoCAD)
• Mechanical design
• Component design
• Product design

I have 4 years of engineering experience in the fast-paced automotive production industry and recently the heavy rigging and construction industry. I work well under pressure and always ensure work is completed in a timely manner at an impeccable standard.
Working in the automotive production industry, I was tasked with the design and simulation of automotive tooling components for companies such as Ford, Opel and BMW. The tooling components formed part of the complete production process line.
Working in the heavy rigging construction industry I am tasked with designing specialized lifting equipment for unique engineering lifts. I work in and among all types of industries, giving me broad spectrum of basic engineering understanding in all engineering disciplines.
I am capable of bringing your design ideas to life and producing working prototypes. In addition to design and modelling services, I can provide other engineering services such as, technical communication, report writing and project management.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or project inquiries, I am more than willing to discuss ideas and potential projects.

3D Models

Design Entries


  • University of KwaZulu NatalBSc Engineering, Mehcanical Engineering2014 graduation

Age: 30

Joined: October 22, 2018


Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa