Hire / Invite to Project


I am an Industrial Design and Product Development Engineer, specialized in DFMA (Design For Manufacturing and Assembly). Also I have the Oficial Professional Certifications of Solid Edge, AutoCAD and Inventor, and the Oficial Expert Certification of Solidworks. I can design and develop any product or part from concept to technical drawings and manufacturing and assembly instructions.

3D Models


  • FreelanceInventor Certified Professional, CAD2018 graduation
  • FreelanceAutoCAD Certified Professional, CAD2018 graduation
  • FreelanceSolid Edge Certified Professional, CAD2017 graduation
  • PROCADSolidworks Certified Expert, CAD2017 graduation
  • University of MalagaUniversity Specialist in Mechanical Design for the Manufactury, Mechanical Design2017 graduation
  • University of MalagaProduct Design and Product Development Engineer, Industrial Design2016 graduation

Age: 28



Malaga, Andalucia, Spain