Hire / Invite to Project


Hi there!
I live in Russia. I was born in 1983.
Until 2000 I graduated from the school and enrolled in the department for the study of metalworking and for some time worked at the mechanical assembly production at the AvtoVAZ car factory that produces cars Lada
In 2004, I entered the University at the Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts. In 2007 i was recruited to a firm where i performed the duties of a stone carver. In 2011, he moved to a company where he performed the duties of a stone carver and additionally acted as a jeweler's student, working on jewelery alloys, and also working at the foundry as a caster on the Inuterm Sun500. In 2012, he moved to another jewelry company where he took a three-dimensional modeling course. In this company he served as the jeweler of the assembler. In 2013, I started working independently, performing private orders for three companies in the development of decorative carved elements in the classical style. Also at this time took private orders for the execution of jewelry.
In 2015 he made the first product using corporate symbolism - the graduating ring for students of the local university. In the same year, he began cooperation with a company in which the initial development of a similar direction. In the period from 2015 to the present, several orders have been fulfilled for graduates of educational institutions from different cities. The average quantity in the order is 30-50 items. Currently I am responsible for the development and execution of the order at all stages of production.
In 2017 this direction of work was called Nord Ring. At the moment, among the services offered are:
- development of the concept of the future jewelry
- Creation according to the sketch of a three-dimensional model
- a full cycle of work on the product - prototyping on a wax 3d printer, casting on a vacuum casting machine, processing, interaction with the supervisory authority, galvanic work.
- selection of packaging
- manufacturing of textile products with customer's symbols with the support of clothing production


Age: 39

Joined: March 21, 2018

