参与多个油气相关EPC项目的详细设计和设计评审,工作经验总结如下:-阿曼SRIP项目,担任高级仪表控制工程师;作为高级仪表控制工程师,负责整个项目供应商设计的包和审查,开发焦炭桶顺序控制系统的逻辑和控制叙述,领导I/ o数据库工作,机器监控和保护,DCS和SIS系统的设计审查-沙特ELASTOMER项目;o作为高级仪表控制工程师,负责整个项目供应商设计的包和审查,开发整个EPC项目的逻辑、因果、控制和维护叙述,领导I/ o数据库工作,对机器监控和保护、DCS和SIS系统进行设计审查,作为高级仪表控制工程师,担任SOUTH PARS阶段(第12、17和18阶段)的仪表控制工程师,高级仪表控制工程师,不久晋升为工程管理副主管;o职责:作为仪表控制工程师,高级仪表控制工程师,并于不久后晋升为工程管理副经理,负责多个相关的德敏水、废水和抛光水装置的详细设计工作。我的技能可以概括为为EPC项目开发所需的详细仪器和控制文件(控制叙述,C&E, S.G.叙述,逻辑,索引,电缆布线等),包装或详细设计审查,设计领导能力,并能熟练使用Autocad, ms Office,编程等。我所拥有的成功的关键优势和成就,使我成为上述职位非常有竞争力的候选人:•获得2014年卓越奖,在一家著名的EPC公司作为最佳仪器工程师,由于EPC项目成本节省超过5,(隐藏),(隐藏)美元。•为沙特弹性体项目设计超过39个包装,为阿曼SRIP项目设计超过20个包装。这些套餐包括公用事业锅炉和水,空气和石油公用事业,•主导上述项目的振动监测和状态监测系统的设计工作•开发SEP项目(沙特弹性体项目)的控制和保障叙事和逻辑工作•主导上述项目的仪表数据库工作•参与各种涡轮控制场景,我认为自己是涡轮控制专家。•在短时间内,凭借高水平的技术和领导能力,在工艺包供应商公司从负责人到高级主管,再到首席仪器工程师,最后到工程管理副总裁。•在供应商公司领导包装的详细设计工作,具备各种能力,包括详细设计,PLC编程等。 procurement and some parts of the constructions steps of more than four EPC process and utility units in Oil and Gas Industries worldwide as a vendor package detail designer and reviewer. • My strong analytical and forward looker mind, punctuality, perseverance, excellence and development seeking characters have led to more accurate, efficient and cost saving designs • Cost effectiveness along with better efficiency is one of the aims is being sought and I believe that engineering is a trade-off between the cost and the efficient design With a BS degree in Instrument and Control Engineering, I have a very good knowledge of process control and instrumentation, high leadership potential and energy levels, very strong analytical mind and deep detail-oriented skills, multitask handling abilities, responsible, creative and strong technical experience, very motive, super active and highly efficient and all this is owing to my educational backgrounds and absolutely my past experience in research then in detail design, then design review of small to enormous EPC project as well as conducting detail design leadership as a senior instrument and control engineer. Attached, you can find my resume for your kind consideration. I can be reached anytime via email at (hidden) or my cell phone, (hidden)