大家好,我的名字是Jason,我有17年的项目经理/汽车cad技术员/3D设计师的经验。我有丰富的经验创建生产蓝图,平面图,立面,以及图纸的数控生产。我也有能力创建3D照片逼真的图纸。我在展览行业工作了7年。这使我能够使用一些最新和最好的材料。如纸石和竹胶合板。我还在一家为四家餐厅制作所有室内装饰的木制品店做了两年的主要制图/工程师/项目经理。我曾在两家展览公司做过项目经理/汽车cad技术员。展览行业总是寻求使用最新和最好的材料。为贸易展设计和搭建展台总能让你跳出思维定势。 Not only did we design and create 3D renderings of the booths we also created all the production plans required to build and assemble. After the exhibit industry I worked as a project manager/auto cad technician/designer, at a millwork/interior decor company. Here I have a lot of freedom to think outside the box as well. I created drafting and drawing standards at the facility that are still in place today. At this company I would take architectural drawings and turn them into 3D renderings as well as construction documents.