我是一名工程师,工作经验丰富,知识背景广泛。我在航空工程领域开始了近两年的职业生涯,培养了ProE设计、建模和材料测试及其实施方面的技能。航空航天工程领域以前的设计包括在高海拔条件下测试飞行器所需的高压空气系统的设计。高压空气系统需要压力容器来维持试验的运行,并且计算成本过高,但考虑使用回收容器。然后,回收的容器需要在投入系统使用之前进行测试。这意味着切割压力容器的几个关键失效部分,并将其发送给拉伸、压缩、模量的实验室数据。然后需要根据压力容器规范和良好设计规范、安全系数等对这些数据进行仔细审查。然后在ProE Creo软件中对交付系统进行建模,以交付给内部机械师进行材料订购和组装,但直到在AnSYS建模比较中建模。在我的设计工程协助下,这个系统在一个工程团队的努力下成功地投入使用。创建数据库以清晰地记录产品数据、质量报告、团队绩效和工作量也是我使用Microsoft Office Access的技能之一。 The custom code i wrote in VBA to easily track and print weekly data that would be discussed at design meetings in an effort to improve overall team efficiency. Using ProE to design flight vehicles for test models was also a key piece of experience to tune my design experience in fluid dynamics. As the design went from pencil and paper theoretical calculations, they were transformed into models, later tested by my team and then a full size model delivered to the customer, NASA, for field testing. Many points of aeronautical engineering experience resides in the modeling done in ProE Creo/Wildfire to develop testing models. My mechanical engineering design experience comes from a firm mostly pitched towards the development of public & private schools. We design the mechanical, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and fire protection, and civil systems. All of the engineering is done "in the same house" as the architectural design. My experience circumvents all of the engineering trades in accordance with NYS education code, the supplements, and the current IMC. Designing systems in my current atmosphere allow for the full design to be implemented without value engineering the design like an EPC. Though EPC's are also part of the job. Mechanically, I have designed HW/Steam boiler rooms, AHU systems, VRF, and the like. My fire protection experience stemmed from my family business, meaning i physically installed many types of plumbing systems and fire protection systems; it is a critical component to influence my design practice in HASS and/or AutoCAD. Many engineers call it "the third eye." My plumbing design experience resides in all types of waste and domestic systems for commercial kitchens, assisted living facilities, schools, large residences and small, also churches. As much as possible, I use my local contacts in the gas, electrical and water utilities to make my designs as solid as possible. All of my MEP & FPE design are based on maintaining code requirements while not having the customer pay for unnecessary equipment etc.