我获得了可持续制造学士学位,辅修可持续管理。对可持续发展的重视是我想在职业生涯中追求的。我相信这个国家需要扩大向可再生能源的过渡,我希望为这样一家公司工作,这是他们目标的一部分。我上过质量控制工程的课程,里面教授的是六西格玛和保证质量控制的工具。我学习了制造运营战略,预测和供应链管理,项目团队管理和保持卓越,所有这些都在一个安全的环境中进行。所有这些技能使我能够领导一个协作团队,在快节奏的环境中执行精心计划和组织的解决方案。这是我的第二职业。我在工业界的第一份工作是在IT支持部门,在那里我学到了故障排除和客户服务方面的宝贵技能。我从那份工作过渡到更多的编程和网络监控工作。在那个时候,我回到学校全职学习计算机科学和制造。 I am versed in C++, Ruby, and Bash scripting and can navigate a Unix OS very well. I think programming skills are very important in the manufacturing industry as automation is becoming more accessible to companies that are ready to scale up to larger production rates. I have experience in programming automated Adapt pick and place robots as well as experience in designing end effectors for specific tasks. I have experience in CnC programming and have even fabricated a desktop sized CnC routing machine from scratch as one of my personal projects. This project was a lot of fun and taught me valuable lessons in fabricating, and implementing automated machine systems for daily use. It also taught me valuable project management skills in how to budget a project and maintain consistent time management while going to school full time. This project also took lots of research to complete witch is something I really enjoy.