当我还是个孩子的时候,我总是在捣鼓,把玩具拆开,组装自己的玩具,通常只是问一个问题,“为什么!”我总是觉得,事情之所以这样做,一定有一个很好的理由。我发现自己想要探索更多,并推动自己看看我是否能以更好的方式创造东西。我的专业是工业设计,并获得了加州大学长滩分校的学士学位。大学毕业后,我决定充分利用我在职业生涯中的每一次经历,并将其用于我的优势。把它想象成我的研究生学位,在那里我可以获得报酬,获得现实世界的经验,并学习解决问题的不同方法(只是花的时间更长一些)。在这段时间里,我形成了我为每个项目带来的核心价值。想法不同。变得更好。爱护人和环境。 Challenge everything and be part of the solution. For the last decade and a half, I’ve worked for small and large companies alike. I’ve designed furniture for a well-known furniture designer, John Caldwell. I worked consumer electronics for Pentagram and Lenartstudios. Designing for large companies like Motion Computing, Fujistu, Jibe Audio, LG, Memorex, Dell and E-ink. I found my calling when working for Specialized designing cycling shoes. I rounded out my design experience learning about packaging design. My time at Uneka taught me about how the entire product design experience comes together and gets delivered to the consumer. All of these experiences have molded me into the designer I am today. Passionate, thoughtful, inquisitive and purposeful in my approach. However, it is this passion to do better that drives me.