我叫Jacob Oestreich,是格林大学工程公司的老板。我们是一家完全投保的CAD,绘图和设计服务提供商。2022足球世界杯预选赛时间我一直在做起草和设计工作……阅读更多
我叫Jacob Oestreich,是格林大学工程公司的老板。我们是一家完全投保的CAD,绘图和设计服务提供商。2022足球世界杯预选赛时间我从事各种形式的起草和设计工作已经有7年了。我在许多行业都有经验,包括混凝土、建筑、金属加工、铸造、重型设备、海洋、农业设备、玻璃、航空航天、军事、造纸、制造和机械加工。我做过从单个零件到10000多个组件的所有工作。从焊接到管理大型原型设计公司,我什么都做过。我目前正在追求业务的增长。我的经营理念可以归结为质量至上。如果客户没有得到他们所支付的产品,我就没有做好我的工作。从现在起,如果质量要求没有达到,我将免费提供我的服务。2022足球世界杯预选赛时间 What I mean by this is, before embarking on any project, quality requirements and lead-time will be laid out in detail before any contract is activated. Once both parties agree on quality definitions and lead-times, a contract will be written up guaranteeing the work is completed within the defined requirements or services will be provided for free (if the requirements are not met, services completed up to that point will be given to the customer free of charge). I believe strongly in providing customers with what they are asking for. This may require layouts, previews of planned work, and extensively defining what is required previous to project kick-offs. I will do my best to set realistic expectations as far as lead-times go. I will also provide updates daily or weekly on the progress of each project and provide gantt charts if the customer desires. Thank you in advance for your inquiry and I look forward to doing business with you. Owner - Green University Engineering Fully Insured Services Provider Jacob Oestreich