1997年,我在俄亥俄州特拉华州当地的一所联合职业学校上了我的第一堂板起草课。第二年,我被介绍到Auto CAD Release 12,它利用数字化垫创建图纸和设计。1998年高中毕业后,我进入俄亥俄州哥伦布市的T.E.C.大学,攻读了18个月的建筑工程副学士学位。1998年开学后不久,我开始了在格列佛建筑事务所的实习,在那里我接触到了涉及商业和轻型商业设计项目的各种工程/建筑学科。我在那里做了一年的CAD绘图员,直到毕业后搬到城市的另一个地方。在接下来的一年里,我辗转于不同的CAD/设计职位,试图找到最适合我的工作。2000年,我来到了美国电力公司位于哥伦布市中心的办公室。我在那里的地质技术工程部开始了我的职业生涯,担任绘图员,负责现场调查、钻孔日志、输电线路布局、道路开发以及为中西部的发电厂创建年度填埋顺序。在A.E.P.工作了大约18个月后,我得到了一个机会,回到了他们的Pro Serve部门从事钢结构设计,在那里我从事S.C.R.(选择性催化还原)项目,直到2004年底,由于当时美国的经济因素和政治因素,我最终被解雇了。我选择加入海军陆战队。2005年3月。 I spent the next 8 years in the infantry as an Assault man specializing in explosives engineering and breaching techniques. Following two combat tours to Felujah Iraq, I chose to re-enlist and go to Division Schools to be an Instructor for my remaining time in the Corps. In 2010 I volunteered for my third tour, this time to Afghanistan as an Infantry tactics mentor for their Border Police force. Shortly after my return to the States in late 2011 I was put on a medical board and eventually retired from the Marines in March of 2013. I went to work for REIG which is a real estate investment group based out of San Marcos CA. January 2014 in the residential division. There I was set up with a second internship with the Architect whom they were working with to bring me back up to speed on Auto CAD 2010, get familiar with California building codes and the CA permit process. I went on to become a project coordinator and Sr. Architectural designer by the end of my time with REIG in late 2018 when I moved to Florida. I currently still do work for some clients back in the San Diego area as well as several new clients through out the US.