你好!我的名字是michael Panus,我是一名合格的自动化和机器人工程师,以前在生产机器的维护,服务和安装方面有经验。在华沙理工大学机电一体化学院学习期间,我开始了我的工程师之路。在波兰学习不是很实用,我一直认为技术经验对于想成为专业人士的人来说是无价的,最重要的是,优秀的工程师,所以我决定开始在MPack担任多技能维护工程师,在那里我负责工厂机械的电气和机械维护。2011年9月,我晋升为SZUGAJEW AGRI的服务工程师。作为服务工程师,我负责安装蔬菜和水果的分级和包装自动化生产线。该工作涉及工程制图,电气和机械装配,启动和运行测试所有已安装的机器。在那之后,我开始为CNS解决方案工作,在那里我已经成为使用Solid Works 3D和Solid Works电气的专家。自2015年1月7日搬到英国以来,我已经开始作为多技能指定工程师工作。我在英国的第一份工程工作是在IONEX SG,负责设计容器水处理装置,以去除饮用水中的硝酸盐。 (Contract - making drawings of 3D assemblies and part models, 2D documentation, pneumatic installations, selecting components, electrical routing, support project from the beginning to the end) Next, I have started working as electro-mechanical engineer in OPTEK SYSTEMS where I was responsible for designing of specialized laser cutting machinery. (Permanent - full electrical design, making drawings of 3D assemblies and part models, 2D documentation, designing safety systems for laboratories, redesigning of the existing laboratories, engineering support for wire man work, start up of machinery, etc. - 3.5 years) Currently for more than 1 year I am on contract in RACE (Remote Applications in Challenging Environment) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority where I am working as System Engineer. I am responsible for designing of Safety Systems, LV distribution, supporting of electrical control design, cable tray layouts drawings, cabinet layouts drawing, etc. Curently I am working as a contractor and my contract is 37.5h/ week I am managing to finish my hours in 3.5 days a week so I have a lot of free time now. That is why I have decided to joint that site and look for more opportunities to use time more effective. I hope someone will be interested in my personal skills. Best Regards Michal Panus