自由职业者-在两个领域自由工作:-正式:建筑,设计完整的住宅和商业环境,-非正式但完全专业:1。3 d建模、…阅读更多
自由职业者-在两个领域自由工作:-正式:建筑,设计完整的住宅和商业环境,-非正式但完全专业:1。3D建模,3D打印,雕刻,着色。2.企业活动设计、施工、装饰、灯光。3.机械工程,机械设计,铸造,各种模具设计(轻重金属,玻璃,塑料,....投资,铸造,空气,.....)4.内部/外部设计。5.Electronics: Schematic-Layout-pcb design(Audio, Radio, controllers.....) Many years of practical experience in design and architecture of constructions and creative compositions in response to innovative requests. After I was graduated as an architect, I decided not to leave out my other loving fields. I found out that there are several views of the same subject generated and influenced by different point of views and different fields of feelings or even psychology; I found out that you can merge the pure styles of art with the required science in a unique creativity and I concentrated all my energy on this field most enjoying it.