您好,我在CFD领域有11年的经验,担任过顾问、研发经理和致力于CFD的云计算服务的创始人。我是CFD传热,多相,优化和自动化专家。我用的是西门子STAR-CCM+。我的简历:(隐藏)我可以全天候接触到:-西门子的支持工程师。一个十万核的超级计算机。我只是在7000核上运行一个作业,并且具有出色的可扩展性。-完整的商用STAR-CCM+无限核许可。STAR-CCM+是目前最好的CFD软件。全球大多数制造商使用STAR-CCM+(见:(隐藏)。这张幻灯片来自西门子首席执行官的演讲,他解释了西门子去年收购CD-adapco的原因。 STAR-CCM+ also enables the whole CFD workflow to be automated in one script, and it also makes optimization trivial using the SHERPA algorithm (see p.36 of : (hidden) Combined with the supercomputer, I can do optimization studies in a fraction of the time it would take other freelancers. I share all my results in real time with my clients though a synchronised folder and CFD 3D viewer. That's great for project communication and progress tracking. Most importantly, you build a solid understanding of your application. I've just started as a freelancer. My hourly rates are 4 times lower than established consultants with the same experience, software, licencing and computing power. I’d love to discuss your project further. Give me a call! Best Regards, Guillaume Jolly (hidden) (hidden) (hidden) (iphone: (hidden) & (hidden), (hidden)
在我的专业经历中,我在3D建模(绘图),快速原型(3D打印)和工具/构建新设计方面拥有强大的专业知识。我的特长在于我在研究、沟通和想象力方面的才能——能够从一个给定的想法中得出一个现实的设计。我有丰富的经验,在办公室环境中根据口头想法起草3D模型,然后将其用于与利益相关者的沟通和谈判策略。我经常渲染3D模型到逼真的质量(Blender和Fusion 360软件),并能够利用我的视觉设计专业知识进一步修改生成的2D图像(Photoshop和GIMP)。这些技能被用于制造、模拟、销售和简单的构思。为了证实我的说法,我有六年的设计工程师经验,一直在研究、构思和沟通解决方案方面找到自己的位置。我在机器人领域有丰富的技能和深厚的知识基础。在我最近的办公室里,我设计了工业自动化的创新机器人解决方案。项目包括大型笛卡尔龙门和机械臂,以及小型台式仪器和微型设备。•使用3D CAD软件包完成概念、实施和详细设计。 • Led the generation of successful quotes for robotic solutions. • Developed a problem-solving skill for robotics, having explored the pros and cons of various robotic solutions in great depth. • Refined interpersonal skills, representing the company in meetings with valued clients at all project stages. To provide discipline and direction to the use of my skillset, within my second most recent office I worked as an R&D engineer for IVD medical devices - a very heavily regulated industry. I steadily earned promotion to a leadership position as the department's Quality and Process Coordinator, demonstrating initiatives that led to a more intelligent and refined workplace culture. I can be contacted by phone (hidden) or by email (hidden) I can guarantee a response within 24 hours. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate - I don't bite!
机械工程师/Solidworks CAD设计师
我已经做了20多年的3d建模,主要使用3ds max和Fusion 360。多年来,我从事过各种工作,从为科学家制作的技术动画,到电视节目和电子游戏。我…阅读更多
我已经做了20多年的3d建模,主要使用3ds max和Fusion 360。多年来,我从事过各种工作,从为科学家制作的技术动画,到电视节目和电子游戏。我也做很多3d打印。