Liver ShellBlind
in3D Modeling Designheld byAhmad SLast seen:
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
Choosing Finalist
Design should be of a liver shell. It should be an anatomically accurate model that can be printed if needed to. The inside should be hallow and the liver should include a hole on top where the hyper-vein would normally be and a hole on bottom where the vein would leave. The liver shell should be a 2 piece design that can be clicked/ screwed together to symmetrically put together the 2
A more simplified version of this will be perfect.
1. Decently accurate dimensions based on size of average human man2. accuracy of anatomical shape
3. holes made in top and bottom
4. hallow inside
5. 2 halves that fit together
Don't Wants:
I want something thats very easy to put together, nothing with joints or pins please. Should be very simple, no need for extreme complication.
- SolidWorks
- 非盟toCAD
Additional Information
This does not need to be very specific, just a hallow shell shaped like a liver, that can be fit together somehow.Entries

Thanks Peter
Congratulations Zulfadzryl
Enfin, merci REDA.
Special thanks to the buyer...Ahmad S in recognizing my work :)
Also not forgetting all to my fellow designer friends that have:
1) Participate (Rohith Kalyanaraman,Mansi and ezer153 )
2) Input in the discussion board (Abbasi 3D-Services,SW Guru, Wyatt ,Rakesh,PETER LAKATOS,Cody LaRose,
and Advandes)
Thanks Guys
'It was a magical contest...'
Special thanks to the buyer...Ahmad S in recognizing my work :)
Also not forgetting all to my fellow designer friends that have:
1) Participate (Rohith Kalyanaraman,Mansi and ezer153 )
2) Input in the discussion board (Abbasi 3D-Services,SW Guru, Wyatt ,Rakesh,PETER LAKATOS,Cody LaRose,
and Advandes)
Thanks Guys
'It was a magical contest...'
congrats Zulfadzryl :)
Whatever, i still think a chat room is a chat room and a contest discussion is a contest discussion.
I see it is prepaid, so anybody is motivated now to do a good job, again: if he chooses to, no need to make anybody to feel guilty for the time spent.
Probably the tongue was a screenshot just to make the liver hidden,... i can understand not wanting to share an entry if the contest is not blind yet, but now it is.
So if you want to win you must do a better design than the tongue entry.
I don't know about you, but it is more than just the money, also about reputation, and a good reputations pays off.
I wish you all success and inspiration for future brilliant projects!
I see it is prepaid, so anybody is motivated now to do a good job, again: if he chooses to, no need to make anybody to feel guilty for the time spent.
Probably the tongue was a screenshot just to make the liver hidden,... i can understand not wanting to share an entry if the contest is not blind yet, but now it is.
So if you want to win you must do a better design than the tongue entry.
I don't know about you, but it is more than just the money, also about reputation, and a good reputations pays off.
I wish you all success and inspiration for future brilliant projects!
Dear Admin,
Please remove my entry
Please remove my entry
PETER LAKATOS Thank You for your most precious comment.
Did you know there is a facility provided by CAD Crowd called REPORT DESIGNER that you forget to mention?
下次我们all will got through you to seek permissions and approval :)
Peter, I guess you broke your own rules...We are free to comment as we see fit. Comments are usually directly related to the contest even when it's blabbering like this...the buyer can interpret these conversations as they see fit....I have already spent $80 of my time here...btw What's up with the tongue thing???
The contest discussion is about the contest, and the contest is about the contest!
That means an entry should be a thing that the designer made, i could paste a link to every contest here with a ready made product, but that means drifting away from the buyers wish and a unsportsmanlike behavior towards other designers.
The fake "good work" comments i see between designers in most discussions and off topic blabber gives an unprofessional feel of the contests and that could only send away buyers.
Respect the buyer and act professional and don't use the discussion as chat rooms.
If you don't have an entry you CREATED, or questions about the contest i think it shouldn't be posted here.
... i can only worry about what you might write directly to the clients,.... comments and messages and entries should be filtered, for the sake of professionalism.
That means an entry should be a thing that the designer made, i could paste a link to every contest here with a ready made product, but that means drifting away from the buyers wish and a unsportsmanlike behavior towards other designers.
The fake "good work" comments i see between designers in most discussions and off topic blabber gives an unprofessional feel of the contests and that could only send away buyers.
Respect the buyer and act professional and don't use the discussion as chat rooms.
If you don't have an entry you CREATED, or questions about the contest i think it shouldn't be posted here.
... i can only worry about what you might write directly to the clients,.... comments and messages and entries should be filtered, for the sake of professionalism.
Guys ,
I did not even do anything ...:)
I just directed the Buyer where to get it for...
This model is already in the market...
I can't stand seeing zipped tongue...make me sick...
No offence Rohith Kalyanaraman
I did not even do anything ...:)
I just directed the Buyer where to get it for...
This model is already in the market...
I can't stand seeing zipped tongue...make me sick...
No offence Rohith Kalyanaraman
Nice work Zulfadzryl...! Peter, you are totally correct in your assessment of prize $$ and the decisions to get involved. In the future I am going to restrain myself from making comments regarding prize amounts from buyers. My lack of participation will have to be my word.
this is awesome Zulfadzryl ... but you know I can put myself in the competition ... :)
Great point Peter, couldn't have said it any better.
I think 80 is not necessarily a small prize, everybody is free to work or not, we all risk working without results, if a different winner is chosen.
Perhaps if the client sees that nice designs are entered he would pay... or not.
For the client is all about quality work , not quantity,
And for us designers it is about managing time and priorities and a lot of hard work,
CadCrowd does a good job, it cannot MAKE clients prepay just as well it cannot MAKE designers deliver good designs.
We must think hard how we use are available time to work, and grow.
Perhaps if the client sees that nice designs are entered he would pay... or not.
For the client is all about quality work , not quantity,
And for us designers it is about managing time and priorities and a lot of hard work,
CadCrowd does a good job, it cannot MAKE clients prepay just as well it cannot MAKE designers deliver good designs.
We must think hard how we use are available time to work, and grow.
I submitted several designs (20 days effort) for one of the contest that had "Payment Pending". The buyer did not show up & all the efforts of several designers went in vain. I suggest/request the Cadcrowd team not have the payment pending option. This would save designers time as well as motivate designers to submit even a junk idea with confidence.
Anatomically accurate human organ that assembles easily for $80? I think that's why no one is trying.
I wonder why noone is even trying this one?
i can make a modell from scan files of a real human. When you can provide the scan files (DICOM) of liver i wil be able to make it.
i can make a modell from scan files of a real human. When you can provide the scan files (DICOM) of liver i wil be able to make it.
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