The Water Wheel Kayak

in3D Modeling Designheld byJean-Michel
Contest Closed
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  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
We are looking to blend the kayak with the pedal boat.

What we want is to recreate the design thought up by Hobie Cat in which they incorporate a pedal design within the kayak. However, we want the pedals to be linked to two water wheels on the side rather than the "fin" system that Hobie Cat uses. (see photo for details)

This kayak needs to incorporate a pedal system where people would normally just rest their feet. It would also have to showcase two water wheels on the side. We want the water wheels to be linked by an axe so that they may be easily removed from the kayak if the user chooses to do so.

For kayak base use Prower 13 by Ocean Kayak (picture attached).

The new design would have
A) two pedals where one would normally rest their feet. (see Slayer 13 picture for pedal design inspiration)

B) An axe with two water wheels that would be placed at the front the of kayak above the pedals but below the hatch. (See the water wheel picture for inspiration)

我们希望水哟ls to be removable and not as bulky as the one in the "Water Wheel picture"

What we need- 2 drawings, one from the top, one from the side (just like the slayer 13 picture)
Wheels- we want a sleek, innovative wheel system designed for the 21st century.

Integration- We want the system to be easily integrated into the kayak and for the wheels to be able to be removed.
Don't Wants:
We do not want an old, bulky wheel system such as the one showcased in the "water wheel" picture. This is just for inspiration and to show how the wheels would have to fit on the exterior of the kayak.
  1. AutoCAD
  2. Adobe Illustrator


= Buyer's Rating
#16Conceptual Pedal KayakbyMansi
Download Files
    Jan 28, 2015 17:17
    #15Version 2.0byCody LaRose
    Jan 26, 2015 4:52
    Download Files
    Jan 23, 2015 9:54
    Download Files
    Jan 22, 2015 17:28
    Download Files
    Jan 22, 2015 11:26
    Jan 22, 2015 7:22
    #10Sea Striderbyzulfadzryl
    Jan 22, 2015 6:05
    #9Kayak boostbyREDA
    Download Files
    Jan 21, 2015 20:43
    #8kayak boosterbyREDA
    Download Files
    Jan 21, 2015 20:42
    #7Sea Strider Empty Isobyzulfadzryl
    Jan 21, 2015 19:03
    #6Booster kayakbyREDA
    Download Files
    Jan 21, 2015 15:37
    #5Kayak boosterbyREDA
    Jan 21, 2015 10:08
    #4Booster kaybyREDA
    Jan 17, 2015 16:06
    #3Peddle powered systembyCody LaRose
    Jan 14, 2015 8:04
    #2Kayak 2 sitterbyzulfadzryl
    Download Files
    Jan 11, 2015 1:58
    #1Model 1byCody LaRose
    Jan 6, 2015 1:09




    坐,2015年1月24日19:21:16 + 0000



    Sat, 24 Jan 2015 16:59:22 +0000
    Well said Abbasi 3D-Services :)
    Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:41:02 +0000
    For a price like thi .. YOU will get just designes like these!
    I told you. Be fair to get good work.



    Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:14:07 +0000



    Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:38:30 +0000
    READ, Do not release it...



    Fri, 23 Jan 2015 18:44:43 +0000
    I have a very beautiful concept in my head with a revolutionary idea but not less than $ 10,000



    Fri, 23 Jan 2015 16:21:45 +0000

    j'aimerai vous faire d'autres modèles mais vous mettez pas d'appréciation ....
    dites nous si on est sur la bonne voix ou pas .! merci de répondre


    REDA ;)



    Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:13:44 +0000
    Salut Jean-Michel !

    Pouvez-vous m'aider?

    Est-ce que tu aimes, Barracuda ?

    A plus tard!



    Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:26:43 +0000

    pourquoi vous notez pas nos designs afin qu'on puisse améliorer ?





    Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:31:21 +0000
    Dreker is my last submission, awaits your comment to tweak the designs.



    Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:24:56 +0000
    Hi Jean-Michel
    Base on all current submitted entry,do you think, we meet the par of 'simple 3D' that will entitled prize money $250?
    If not please made known (area to emphasize) in order for the designers to make the tweaking.
    We still have 8 more days to make it happen.

    I will also integrate water wheel in the next submissions and if got time the cleat belt concept.

    Thank You



    Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:54:54 +0000
    I am interested by your cleated belt solution .
    Could you developp and design it ?




    Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:08:16 +0000
    How could use cleated blet as humain power on the kayak ?
    Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:39:31 +0000
    I have a thought for a design using a cleated belt instead of a wheel, this would be more efficient way of using human power. Using this type of belt would also have a low profile above the side of the kayak as opposed to a wheel.



    Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:22:48 +0000
    I need simple 3D and i am ready to pay250$



    Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:03:23 +0000
    Abbasi ;)
    Tue, 30 Dec 2014 08:00:50 +0000
    Do you need a full design, most ready for fabrication (this cost normaly for this project over $1500)
    or a 3D Modell as pre ready (this $500-$700)
    or just a concept with or without simple 3D ($200-$300)

    $120 is really like zero. Please think about the quality you need. When you need that profis work for you you have to invest more than zero ;)

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