Smart Wristband
in3D Modeling Designheld byDBraniff90Last seen:
Contest Closed
Choosing Finalist
I'm a tech&des student in the UK. I've been able to get by without being great at CAD but this year is unavoidable. My project is a wristband designed for old people that can track where they are and their heart rate. This project will be straight forward for anyone familiar with solid works 2013, neeed it by the next 2 days, (due on wed)
Regular silicone wristband size. Any colour (not bright), grey preferably. Basically a wristband with a chip and mini usb port. Somewhere on it must say the letters POM. Need to be able to print it out in parts, exploded, fully rendered and I need to be able to hand the file into the university to be 3d printed. something similar to the attached file would be what im after.
Don't Wants:
Chunky sized block on the band. bright colours. too much detail. don't want it to be too professional looking
Ask for Sample:
sample would be great
- SolidWorks (2013/14)
Sorry, Cannot open your files as they are.
hi iam interested to handle your project but iam using solidworks 2012 .so i couldnt open none of the files u had attached .
sendil kumar M.E
sendil kumar M.E
You have to upload all of your file (Assembly and Part) also,
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