Air Filter Duct Covers
inProduct Designheld bymagardeningLast seen:
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
Choosing Finalist
There are 12",14",16",18",20",24"and 25" replaceable air filters. Object to seal openings in ducts around replacable air filters.
stl file format for all seven cover sizes.The ducts are approximately 1/4" bigger than the filters. Example (16" filter means 16-1/4" duct). The back panel is a flat piece approximately 3" wide for all size filters x by the duct size of filter (example 16-1/4" for 16" filter). Flat piece would have lip which would add to length 1" wide in center of 3" wide (the thickness of material) and two tabs protruding vertically to align piece to opening of duct (perpendicular to edge of 1" lip. The front piece would have to protrude from duct approximately 1-1/2" as the filter protrudes approximately 1". Protruding part would have to be approximately 2" wide to pull filter from cover x approximately 1/8" larger than the filter (which a 16" filter is approximately 15-3/4") 15-7/8" for a 16" filter. The front piece would have lip and tabs like back piece to align. The last piece would be the cover (cap) covering the opening of protruding part having plastic type snap on hinge bottom and top in able reverse the covers opening if the unit is aligned on an opposite side. The cover would also need a catch of some kind to close and open catch. Pieces attaching to duct would have holes to attach to duct.
- CAD STL file format
Additional Information
No designs with patent rights.
#21Air Filter Duct CoversbySergiu.Nasta
Download Files
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 12
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 14
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 16
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 18
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 20
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 24
- Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) 5 — Size 25
May 23, 2013 19:10
我发了一个正确的模型,适合模具injection. The files contain every blueprint for every duct cover. All 7 models are suitable for mold injection.

Please state for your own designs if the designs are for mold injection?
每个人都将injecti陈述他们的设计on capable. And almost all are, but at what cost. How complex will the mold need to be? How many additional slides will be needed? Keeping the design as simple as possible is the key to success in manufacturing.
My designs have been created with injection molding in mind. All draft for injection molding has already been added. Considerations for mold parting lines and mold slides have also been made.

Please state if mold injection capable?

I will submit my designs for all sizes before the contest ends
铰链的设计和制表符可以有点soft? so that they can't be so obvious to the eye? And also does the design have to be exactly as the sketches or can we add a personal touch with does dimensions??

Please submit stl format for all sizes for injection molding.

Have added rough sketch. The flat piece is for other side of duct by self to seal other side opening of duct.
could you provide us with sketches of your idea ?
Please submit the designs for review to the contest?
Thank You,
Please submit the designs for review to the contest?
Thank You,
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