PowerCube Product Design Contest for AutoCAD Designer
inElectrical Engineeringheld byFar2FreshLast seen:
Contest Closed
Choosing Finalist
A new fashionable charging cable
knowledge of cables/wires , mock-up, technical writing
Don't Wants:
someone to outsource the project
Ask for Sample:
have an idea to help me improve the charging cable for phones? let me know
- AutoCAD
Additional Information
To innovate on a simple common essentials, power sources.
- Car Charging Unit USB (for mobile phone): an elegent, sexy car charging USB-Female port for LUXURY cars. (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Jaguar, RangeRover) The design should be sleek. USB-CABLE should be Detachable.
- Phone Charging Cable (Phone-Charging, AUX, HDMI);
design flat cables, xxl cable, fancy, thicker, premium cable. Focus on USB-Connection-Head & Cable layout
- Dock charging for desk: A chic, futuristic CUBE + power supply (bottom piece), USB-Female-Port, USA-Plug
- CUBE AUDIO BOX (BLUETOOTH): a audio-speaker cube that connects through blue tooth.
- Napkin Holder (Charger): This is for restaurants, it will hold napkins and also have a USB-Female unit for plugging in charging cable
What is needed:
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Long-term team
#11car-charging model#5byIM3D
Download Files
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model58
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model57
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model56
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model55
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model53
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model54
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model51
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-model52
May 23, 2013 23:04
Download Files
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M4b
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M3b
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M1b
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M1a
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M3c
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M3d
- Autodesk Inventor — 3-model-car-charging
- Autodesk Inventor — car-charger-bend-M3a
May 22, 2013 19:02
Good afternoon, when we will know the results?
Καλησπερα, ποτε θα ξερουμε τα αποτελεσματα;
Can you tell me what you think of my design?

Can you tell me what you think of my design?

@Theera - I am looking for better material grade, longer cables, durability, high-quality
@Cata - I want a design for the cables & PowerCube unit
@Cata - I want a design for the cables & PowerCube unit
You want a design for the power cube or for the cables ?
Did you mean , manufacturing methods. You do update material grade.
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