Face Shield Design Contest Pt 2 - $300+ in RewardsBlind
inIndustrial Design Servicesheld bystanleylLast seen:
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
Choosing Finalist
1. Please review the attached Face Shield Design2.提出自己的修改设计的基础of this face shield with the following requirements:
- The Face Shield should be able to slide upwards/downwards and secured by some sort of earpiece designs that mechanically holds everything in place
- Keep comfort in mind without adding a nose piece
- Since the Face Shield is split into 2 halves, the top half must be able to slide down, the bottom half must be able to slide up and both halves must be able to slide all the way up to the hairline area (to allow full face exposure when not enclosed)
4. For submissions to be accepted, both STP and STL file formats must be attached with your design
We like the design and specs of the current design example attached but are looking for additional enhancements to it. Please read the above requirements in the description prior to submitting work
Don't Wants:
new designs, only modifications made to the existing design example
Ask for Sample:
please provide sample submissions in STP and STL formatsEntries
#6Face shield 2.0byKND_design
Download Files
- SolidWorks 2017 — lower glass
- SolidWorks 2017 — upper glass
- SolidWorks 2017 — upper glass
- SolidWorks 2017 — upper frame right
- SolidWorks 2017 — upper frame right
- SolidWorks 2017 — upper frame left
- SolidWorks 2017 — upper frame left
- SolidWorks 2017 — push switch right
- SolidWorks 2017 — push switch right
- SolidWorks 2017 — push switch left
- SolidWorks 2017 — push switch left
- SolidWorks 2017 — lower glass
- SolidWorks 2017 — lower frame right
- SolidWorks 2017 — lower frame right
- SolidWorks 2017 — lower frame left
- SolidWorks 2017 — lower frame left
- SolidWorks 2017 — elastic belt
- SolidWorks 2017 — elastic belt
- SolidWorks 2017 — final assembly
May 15, 2020 6:53
Download Files
- Luxion KeyShot 7 — untitled.16
- Adobe Premier Pro 2019 — SOLIDWORKS Premium 2016 x64 Edition - Assem1.SLDASM 2020-05-15 20-19-44 1
- Luxion KeyShot 7 — untitled.14
- Luxion KeyShot 7 — untitled.12
- Luxion KeyShot 7 — untitled.10
- Luxion KeyShot 7 — untitled.8
- SolidWorks 2016 — top shield
- SolidWorks 2016 — soft support
- SolidWorks 2016 — Rubber back
- SolidWorks 2016 — Main Frame
- SolidWorks 2016 — Bottom shield
- SolidWorks 2016 — Assem1
- Luxion KeyShot 7 — untitled.6
May 15, 2020 15:34
Yes and Yes, it needs to go up, but one half needs to slide into the other to achieve that
Hi, you have specified that the both the pieces should move up to the hairline, but on the contrary you have also asked to have a position for full face exposure.
Shouldn't both the piece have to travel beyond the hairline for a full face exposure?
Shouldn't both the piece have to travel beyond the hairline for a full face exposure?
Hello Stella X, yes please make it so that both halves can slide up to where the hairline is
Thank you
Thank you
Could you please confirm if you want both parts to slide? I thought maybe the top piece can be fixed? Thanks
Sure, you can send me your sketch, but to qualify, I will eventually need it in STP if you win.
Hi. I have an idea which may help with your design, but I was caught in the lock-down when on holiday in New Zealand, visiting our daughter. So, I am afraid I do not have access to my computer, and cannot submit in STP and STL formats. In the circumstances would you accept a hand drawn sketch?
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