Baby wipes case
inProduct Designheld byHeatherBelleLast seen:
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
Choosing Finalist
A travel baby wipes case with two snap clip mechanisms. One to open the case to reload the wipes and another on top to access the wipes. The design should be as flat, sleek and as close to dimensions as possible. Various prints will be added so design should consider how a print may be interrupted or warped. A small loop needs to be added where desired for a lanyard to attach the case to bags strollers etc. Dimensions should be as close to W:120mm H:21mm D:30mm. The design should not infringe on internal compartment for wipes so the case can be closed easily. Potential for future projects for winner.
Design to be 3D. This needs to be fit for purpose and ready to give to a manufacturer for 3D prototyping and injection moulding. So injection plastic flow needs to be considered. The clips should not infringe on an existing patent. Preference to design that can be manufactured in one piece.
Don't Wants:
产品图片上寻找灵感design should be unique. A design that cannot be injection moulded or made from several seperate components
- AutoCAD Civil 3D
#30Baby Wipe CasebyPablo Gosso
Download Files
- Luxion Keyshot-Closed — BABY CASE-Scene.208
- Luxion Keyshot-Side — BABY CASE-Scene.209
- Luxion Keyshot-TOp — BABY CASE-Scene.210
- Luxion Keyshot-Lid Open — BABY CASE-Scene.211
- Luxion Keyshot-Case open — BABY CASE-Scene.212
- Luxion Keyshot-Closing Feaures close up — BABY CASE-Scene.213
- Luxion Keyshot-Back view open perspective — BABY CASE-Scene.214
- Luxion Keyshot-Back view open perspective — Baby Wipes 1
- Autocad Drawing Page 1 — 00 Baby Wipes Case 1-Pablo Gosso
- Autocad Drawing Page 2 — 01 Baby Wipes Case 1-Pablo Gosso
Jul 11, 2017 2:04
Showing last 20 comments -View All
Congrats Adam for winning the contest.
Congratulations Adam ;)
Sorry Pablo, We take inspiration from one another to have the best idea to satisfy the customer, so that he returns another time. It is a winning winner. And not to draw inspiration from the other designs by dissecting the feedback so that in the end hide his work
Hi Pablo,
You know that prices and life are
Not the same everywhere, all I know is that I am not favored .... in other countries it is two months of pay (ex: Maghreb ) but for me it represents a day or two
Dedicace to Adam
You know that prices and life are
Not the same everywhere, all I know is that I am not favored .... in other countries it is two months of pay (ex: Maghreb ) but for me it represents a day or two
Dedicace to Adam
Hi Pablo,
Everyone is free and responsible for what he does (my design is unique and it is done on AutoCad)
Do not forget that it is I who gave the tempo ;)
Everyone is free and responsible for what he does (my design is unique and it is done on AutoCad)
Do not forget that it is I who gave the tempo ;)
Hi HeatherBelle,
I'm looking forward to seeing her rates

Don't worry REDA. Mine is an original. I really hate copycats. I spend to much time and effort on my design to just give them for free. But thanks for the thought. I promise to show it in my portfolio once the contest is over. Gnome project open my eyes, will never showcase a design again.
Yes they all make aa baby wipes case LOLL
the "design hiders", aka "copiers" are in full force in this contest.
Nice Design Mister Adam Well Done
Hi All,
Your Attention Everyone,
Please do not hide your design if it is well suited to you
Honestly it is our duty to all and also by consciousness to banish copies.
Because we can have the same design already done on another continent that will be presented a second time here ....
Then please (hiding your design means negative things)
This message is intended for good hearing
Anyway I have nothing to hide
Best Regards
Your Attention Everyone,
Please do not hide your design if it is well suited to you
Honestly it is our duty to all and also by consciousness to banish copies.
Because we can have the same design already done on another continent that will be presented a second time here ....
Then please (hiding your design means negative things)
This message is intended for good hearing
Anyway I have nothing to hide
Best Regards
Hi everyone.
I just declined some and gave ratings to give you a clear picture. Some designs simply didn't meet the brief and while there where some inventive and creative ideas they weren't practical for the purposes. The case needs to fit the wipes, keep them moist and simplicity of design is the key. These need to be carried around and used regularly so bulky designs or shapes that won't fit a standard baby wipe won't work. I've given preference to designs that have less parts and clearly show how the design works and clips together. I hope this was helpful. I've tried to give feedback as I go but some designers picked up the idea quickly, please message me if you want anymore clarification on your entry.
I just declined some and gave ratings to give you a clear picture. Some designs simply didn't meet the brief and while there where some inventive and creative ideas they weren't practical for the purposes. The case needs to fit the wipes, keep them moist and simplicity of design is the key. These need to be carried around and used regularly so bulky designs or shapes that won't fit a standard baby wipe won't work. I've given preference to designs that have less parts and clearly show how the design works and clips together. I hope this was helpful. I've tried to give feedback as I go but some designers picked up the idea quickly, please message me if you want anymore clarification on your entry.
Sorry I'm not sure how this would keep the wipes moist
Can You rates please ! ?
is it 120 x 210 x 30 mm ?
can somebody clarify the dimensions? Kindly provide in mm.
Hi manish
Can you show us the image you used for your entry? I hope you have nothing to hide
Can you show us the image you used for your entry? I hope you have nothing to hide
Kenyan sorry this needs to be Autocad
Is it OK if we use other programs, and if so which programs do you wish to be used?
Kindly prepay the prize.
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