将2D图纸转换为CAD 3D模型
我们有一个零件的2D图纸包,需要在AUTO CAD中重新创建一个3D模型,我们的工具公司和供应商可以使用该模型来评估零件。
我们已经有了一个成功的振动阴茎环系列,想要获得一个想法,请访问http://www.ovo.de/en/category/rings。不过,新系列将有所不同,ovo是一条以白色、干净、主流概念为基础的系列,新系列将被命名为LooP。“LooP Maximum Performance”将灵感来源于运动和概念车,世界范围内的男性对跑车的吸引力非常好,性能总是与他们有关,因此,性性能可以在跑车中得到启发。设计师需要考虑以下几点:1。振动的阴茎环必须满足他们的承诺,他们通过在性交过程中刺激男性和女性来达到高潮,设计师必须考虑到性的人体工程学,这个环限制了血液流向阴茎,但是控制马达的部分有双重作用,它间接刺激男性,直接刺激阴蒂,所以成功的设计必须考虑到控制马达的部分的提升。2.我把这些环想象成环和跑车的融合,“车”的前面是环和引擎盖,与阴蒂接触的高度是“挡风玻璃”和引擎盖,电机的振动会扩散到“挡风玻璃”和“引擎盖”,环的后面只是纯粹的设计。2.这种材料是医用级硅酮,因为它具有弹性和组织安全,这也意味着以下限制:硅酮是哑光的,要达到光泽的颜色有点困难,但并非不可能,戒指中不应该有太多的元素,因为这些戒指在“潮湿”的环境中工作,细菌可以进入不同层的关节。3. I want 16 different rings, each of them inspired in a sports or concept car, we will have suggestive names for them like "Loop Stealth", "LooP M3", "LooP Viper", etc. Finally, Have fun, I think it's an amazing project!! PS. Attached is our number one selling penis ring from the current line, that will give you an idea on size, weight and motor positioning. Also, I have attached a preliminary logo, the symbol you see is the celtic symbol of virility which could nicely be used in the rings the same way sports car have a symbol on the hood.
我正在寻找一个酒店管家机器人与制造规格的工业设计。我想一个可互换的面孔模块- 1与吉祥物作为脸,另一个与屏幕作为脸。此外,机器人需要有一个可互换的支架,使其更高,就像双ipad支架一样。http://www.doublerobotics.com/以下是机器人需要具备的一些规格,因此您可以将其纳入设计:尺寸:56 x 35 x 35厘米重量:5-8kg,大部分重量在机器人底部外部组件:•可充电电池垫/工作站可互换模块:•管家脸头•屏幕脸头•支架(双类似)扩展高度http://www.doublerobotics.com/内部组件:•1080HD w夜视摄像头•2W扬声器22mm光圈•1个麦克风•1HDMI输出•1USB输出•1SD卡插槽•测距传感器•地面检测传感器•目标检测传感器•4个电机反馈控制•头部旋转2轴:第1 +/- 90°,第2 +80°/-60°•基础运动360°(2驱动轮,第三支撑轮)•可充电电池•Wifi和SIM卡可提供:1)管家机器人看起来最像附带的吉祥物,具有可互换的屏幕模块和可充电的垫设计2)可调节高度的支架-参考Double 3)视频显示其运动和可互换的模块,以便向客户展示4)制造规格
1.我们正在寻找你来设计一个移动智能床。这张床将供消费者在卧室里使用,以改善睡眠,帮助治疗睡眠障碍。2.主要部分是床下的高夫-斯图尔特平台。您将通过以下材料了解这个平台:https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a7/Hexapod_general_Anim.gif https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Stewart-platform_fig12_289097700 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmKnnp1xTPg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d84X60If2vM床将沿着所有三个xyz轴移动,并能够沿着每个轴旋转。你设计一个160厘米宽的床,你必须决定平台的最佳尺寸。上环保持电机可以更大,更低或相同的大小,作为底部环。如果您想为该平台提出另一种平台结构,请告诉我们。在图1中,你可以看到在床的头部和末端的下环上有额外的支架。 They prevent the bed from tilting and they have to exist also on the lateral sides. 3. Have a look at images 2- 3 to see how the platform is attached to the bed frame with its upper ring. We have also attached the 3D.smt file of these images. The duckboard will be put in this bedframe and on top of it a mattress as in a regular bed. Design a light-weight, stylish bedframe that can be presented to non-technical customers. Be free in your creativity (colors, shapes etc.). Experiment with measures to find the balance between flexibility in movement and stylish design. Image 4 is ONE example for a bedframe (without the side extensions at the head part; the polished wood texture looks nice, the edges are rounded, the matress is overall covered in a white frame). 4. The bed has to be equipped with LED lights and loudspeakers. It has to be stylish and innovative and combine modern technology with human’s tradition of sleep. LED lights could be attached to the outer bedframe for example. Ideally you provide two textures of the bed (e.g. wood, white) Add pillows, blankets in the color you like. 5. Put the bed in a surrounding that you think fits: e.g. stylish bedroom, big panorama window or even plain area etc. 6. Finally, we need the 3D files of the smartbed. Please take the following shots of the model: - only the mechanical platform - mechanical platform with bedframe and without mattress with duckboard - mechanical platform with bedframe and with mattress - mechanical platform with bedframe and with mattress with LED lights turned on - close up of the LED and loudspeakers - It is not a must, but will be a plus, if you animate the movement of the bed so that it rocks like a rocking bed The more perspectives, the better. If you have two versions of the bed (e.g. wood, white), show us the pictures in both versions. 7. Intended audience: Your model will be presented to large customer audience and we will give the winner credit. The pictures need to look very realistic. We want to work with the winner for future projects (e.g. animating the bed movement). We are willing to select several winners.