ATG's Automotive Concepts 2016

in3D Modeling Designheld bymoses41
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
  • Open
  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
阿玛尼技术集团有限责任公司(ATG)是一个汽车company that designs and produces luxury electric vehicles.

ATG will be having a design contest that will be related to the conceptual phase of two luxury electric vehicles that will be futuristic and will use 100% electrical power. The company will need sketches to be displayed in computer aided design (CAD) and graphics software. The sketches or perspective views will show the vehicle's exterior (car's body).

The two concepts will be a luxury 4-door sedan and luxury 2-door coupe and will compete in the markets with automobiles like the Mercedes Benz S550 and the Mercedes Benz SL Class 2-door coupe.

The designers in the contest will be using existing photos and renderings of the luxury 2-door coupe to develop the new perspective views of the vehicles.
The perspective views and sketches of the concepts will have the following evaluation criteria:
1.) Detail: The views and sketches will be evaluated for accuracy as it relates to showing the dimensions of the automobiles' bodies or interiors. The work will be reviewed for showing the concept as a vehicle with high performance.
2.) Style: The views and sketches will be evaluated for showing the style or class of the automobiles. The work will be reviewed for showing the concept as a vehicle that potential customers will want to drive as a classic luxury automobile.
3.) Display of Color: The renderings of the vehicles will be used to evaluate the sketches and select colors for the vehicles in the conceptual phase.
Don't Wants:
ATG will not want detailed drawings for the two concepts. The galleries of sketches will be used to describe the vehicles in a sales brochure and on our website.
File Size Limit:
1.6 MB- 2.9 MB
Company Logo:
  1. 3ds Max (3D Studio Max) (2016)
  2. Autodesk Alias (2016)
  3. SolidWorks Industrial Designer (2016)
  4. Autodesk Maya (2016)
Additional Information
The existing renderings and sketches will be used to develop or create the new renderings of the concepts. The designers should include the company's logo and hood ornament in the views of the luxury automobiles.


= Buyer's Rating
1st Winner
# 14ATG Luxury Electric Sports CoupebyJinen Sheth
Jun 17, 2016 7:41
2nd Winner
#9Amani ATG concept demonstrator vehiclebyBamachi
May 1, 2016 21:39
# 11ATG Luxury Electric SedanbyJinen Sheth
Jun 17, 2016 7:29
#20ATG Automotive concept SedanbySaketCad
Jul 14, 2016 22:13
# 16Concept Body Designby;lzsvpja-] bja]=
Jun 30, 2016 22:16
# 15Concept Showing Design ProcessbyJinen Sheth
Jun 17, 2016 7:45
# 13ATG Luxury Electric SedanbyJinen Sheth
# 12ATG Luxury Electric Sports CoupebyJinen Sheth
Jun 17, 2016 7:34
# 1Electric Concept Car LayoutbyDecker
Apr 17, 2016 15:48
# 102 doors and 4 doorsbydisha RM
May 2, 2016 22:16
#7Amani ATG concept demonstrator vehiclebyBamachi
Apr 29, 2016 23:08
#6ATG AmanibyMahbub
Apr 29, 2016 0:07
#5ATG Automotive concept designbySaketCad
Apr 28, 2016 19:02
#4amani 4 dorrs and 2 doorsbydisha RM
Apr 28, 2016 1:29
#3Coupe Electric Concept CarbyDecker
Apr 23, 2016 21:44
#2ATG Automotive concept designbySaketCad
Apr 21, 2016 19:26


Showing last 20 comments -View All



Fri, 15 Jul 2016 16:04:24 +0000
We have announced the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for the contest as of July 15, 2016. The entries were evaluated on the design criteria that was posted on the website with the original contest.

ATG will include the results and entries of the contest by including the galleries that were submitted in the documentation of the conceptual phase. The contests will be highlighted on our company website in the future.

ATG will encourage the designers that participated in the contest to continue to develop their ideas, skills and ability to sketch in 3-D an automotive concept. If you have more ideas involving your design, please forward any new sketches or gallery images to my e-mail address.

Thank you.

Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-0128
Fri, 01 Jul 2016 07:02:48 +0000
I hope this contest not ended like this one :)

Jinen Sheth


Wed, 29 Jun 2016 14:51:11 +0000
Allwyn i totally agree with you.



Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:48:10 +0000
I feel that Amani group is pushing all the process from exterior to interior and with Surface model on a single designer. That is not efficient and is no surprise to me that it didn't work. I would strongly suggest Amani to pic a design based on its design substance and PAY the winner. Later Amani can post a separate design contest with prepaid prize to develop the interior and like wise, a surface model, separately. This would enable a constant growth in the development process and a confirmed delivery of the final design on a scheduled date.
Sun, 26 Jun 2016 18:53:49 +0000
Thanks for the heads-up, I am not going to waste my time on this contest.
星期五,2016年6月24日12:51:02 + 0000
What's going on with this contest it’s almost 4 months since you created this contest. Nice track record 2 design contest in 4 months and none of them is finished. Squeezing more and more the same contest to get more work is not the right thing to do. Is it going to finish this time or you will extend for next month also? Are you going to pay this time? I am a Professional designer with 10+ year experience and professional world doesn’t work this way. Shame on you Amani Technology Group.



Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:23:14 +0000
We will be selecting a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entry based on the evaluation criteria and we will request that the designers continue to develop their ideas or images for the automotive concepts. If the entry submitted is an entry that shows a classic and futuristic luxury electric vehicle, we will review whether or not to request the designer's help with the conceptual phase.

As a designer, who would have an entry that placed, you would have an opportunity to work with ATG and we will at the end of the contest provide the next steps for the project and available jobs.

Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Tue, 21 Jun 2016 23:18:35 +0000
Is there a potential of working long term with the automotive firm if the design is selected or is it just a one time project?



Fri, 17 Jun 2016 17:25:34 +0000
Amani Technology Group, LLC (ATG) with the website is re-opening the design contest and extending the deadline to help develop the ideas and entries that were submitted for the first and second design contests posted in the early period of 2016.

We are requesting for the designers to submit entries that will continue to show that their ideas can be developed to fit the needs of the company's potential customers. The entries should include the interior of the luxury electric vehicles, the Amani brand logo, the Amani hood ornament and the dimensions of the automobile's exterior or body.

The prizes and awards will be the same as posted. The evaluation criteria will also be the same for each entry, sketch, images or renderings.

Thank you and please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.

Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.



Mon, 02 May 2016 17:22:52 +0000

The new sketches for the vehicles indicate the details and we are reviewing your entry for the design of the concepts.

The results of the evaluation will be posted in a week.

Thank you.

Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-0128



Mon, 02 May 2016 17:18:56 +0000

We are reviewing your entry and the new sketches for the design of the concepts.

The results of the evaluation will be posted in a week.

Thank you.

Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-0128

disha RM


Mon, 02 May 2016 03:26:06 +0000
Dear Moses,
it,s hard to submit the entry. I,m in poor connection since 1 day before, always fail to upload.



Sun, 01 May 2016 21:45:05 +0000

Hi Moses, I’ve added an extra PNG containing the Vehicle dimensions you’ve asked for in addition to troubleshooting the corrupt files in this 2nd entry of mine. Please use Photoshop version 2015 or above while opening the files as using earlier version may result in corrupt file error message if the tools that I might have used in those renderings are not supported. I’ll also contact the support to remove my previous entry as it may be an unnecessary iteration of what I’ve now uploaded. Thank you!



Sat, 30 Apr 2016 16:31:09 +0000
We will be having another design contest in one week and you will be able to develop the previous entry.

The objective of the conceptual phase is to develop a vehicle that will represent quality, luxury and the name brand of Amani. The contest should help with having ideas that will help with the marketing strategy.

The new design contest should be posted within a week.


Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.



Sat, 30 Apr 2016 07:17:23 +0000
Dear Buyer,
We require at least a weeks time as we are planning to change the over all shape of the car body.we can provide you dimensions of the already submitted entries.



Fri, 29 Apr 2016 23:40:58 +0000

As requested, I did consider implementing the hood ornament. But as I did my usual background research for designs and inspirations for your car, I came to know the fact that any protruding object/ornament in front of the car either directly above or near any crumple zones (say, a Bumper) is legally banned as per the pedestrian safety laws enforced in western countries and in majority of Asian countries. Hence I decided go ahead designing the car without involving the ornament.



Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:22:26 +0000

1.) Provide more perspective and orthogonal views of the new luxury 2-door coupe. The orthogonal views should include the top, front, rear, and side views of the vehicle. Include all features of the exterior (lights, brand name logo, brand name hood ornament, windows and doors).
2.) Include the Amani logo on all renderings of the luxury 2-door coupe.
3.) Provide the perspective and orthogonal views of the luxury 4-door sedan. Include all dimensions, the Amani logo and Amani hood ornament.
4.) Indicate in views, the dimensions of the 2 vehicles. The dimensions should include the vehicle's width, height, length, wheelbase, top height to front end, and top height to rear end.


Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-0128



Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:10:58 +0000

Please review the request for revision for entry.


Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-1028



Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:08:00 +0000

I have indicated below the request to edit the sketches or renderings that were submitted:

1.) Provide more perspective and orthogonal views of the new luxury 4-door sedan. The orthogonal views should include the top, front, rear, and side views of the vehicle.
2.) Indicate in a view, the dimensions of the vehicles. The dimensions should include the vehicle's width, height, length, wheelbase, top height to front end, and top height to rear end.
4.) Provide the perspective and orthogonal views of the luxury 2-door coupe. Include all dimensions, Amani logo and Amani hood ornament.

Please provide an estimate of the time, it will take to revise the entry's renderings.


Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-1028



Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:00:57 +0000

Please review the request for revision for entry.


Moses Z. Johnson, Jr.
Amani Technology Group, LLC
Phone: (973) 841-1028

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