Choice FM Studio Furniture
in3D Modeling Designheld byChoice FMLast seen:
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
Choosing Finalist
I am building a radio station studio and need a design for the main console. I need a design for the carpenter to work from. I can provide information as to what my needs are. I also have the layout of the building the console will be housed in. Please send questions.
Latest revision submitted
Submitted, enjoy!
Can I get the info and the layout please?
Also about the picture provided, is that close to the design you want Or is it what you have already and you want it to be worked on?
Also about the picture provided, is that close to the design you want Or is it what you have already and you want it to be worked on?
The work will be Done according to The Dimensions of The Room you want your Furniture placed in so Please Provide The Dimensions of The Room .
The work will be Done according to The Dimensions of The Room you want your Furniture placed in so Please Provide The Dimensions of The Room .
Please proclaimed dimensions of room this is to be in as well as needs of the console
Please provide the dimension
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