Flow Prop Display

A simple, minimally designed board used to hang flow arts props for storage and display. I decided to only draw this model up instead of utilizing CAD due to it's simplicity and minimal parts. It is made of some very old, reclaimed cedar boards that I planed and sanded until the beauty shown through below the originally nasty exterior. The display is about 4 ft wide, 1 ft tall, and 1.5 in deep. I used small metal "L" brackets to mount 3 pieces of cedar perpendicularly to the back of the two front boards. I attached keyhole hangers on the three boards to hang the display on the wall. The wood is wet sanded to 600 grit with pure tung oil blended with a pure citrus solvent.
wood wood-project woodworking minimal-furniture wood-design product-display 木制家具 minimalism woodwork cedar